Conference presentations
15th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 2-4 July 2018, the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Europe Migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges' took place in Barcelona, Spain.
Dominique Jolivet presented her work on 'Welfare migration’ and ‘lifestyle migration’: opposed or complementary categories to understand human (im)mobilities?" and “‘Post-2008 multi-sited household practices: between Morocco, Spain and Norway'.
Sónia Pereira and Dominque Jolivet presented their work on 'Examining migrants’ social protection arrangements in Southern European Welfare States: increased protection or further exclusion?'.
Marie Godin and Justyna Bell presented their work on: ‘Liquid’ versus ‘settled’ migration trajectories and transnational welfare strategies throughout the life course: the case of Polish and British migrants in Europe'.
Migration Conference of the University of Lisbon
From 26-29 June 2018, the Migration Conference of the University of Lisbon was held. Bruno Machado, Jennifer McGarrigle, Maria Lucinda Fonseca and Alina Esteves, presented their work on "Transnational social protection assemblages: Mobility and welfare between Portugal and the UK in turbulent times".
European Population Conference 2018
From 6-9 Juni 2018 the European Population Conference took place in Brussels, Belgium. Petra de Jong, Kim Caarls and Helga de Valk (all NIDI) presented their study "Welfare and Migration Aspirations: Attracting, Discouraging or Facilitating? Empirical Evidence from a Factorial Survey among Dutch Master Students."
NORFACE Welfare State Futures Final Conference
From 24-25 May 2018 the final conference on the research program Welfare State Futures (WSF) was organized in Florence, Italy. Marie Godin and Justyna Bell presented their study on '‘Liquid’ versus ‘settled’ migration trajectories and transnational welfare strategies throughout the life course: the case of Polish and British migrants in Europe'.
NORFACE Welfare State Futures Final Conference
From 24-25 May 2018 the final conference on the research program Welfare State Futures (WSF) was organized in Florence, Italy. Maria Lucinda Fonseca, Jennifer McGarrigle, Bruno Machado and Alina Esteves presented their work on "Intra-EU Migration Motivations and Welfare Strategies: Lifestyle and labour migrants between Portugal and the UK".
NORFACE Welfare State Futures Final Conference
From 24-25 May 2018 the final conference on the research program Welfare State Futures (WSF) was organized in Florence, Italy. Helga de Valk presented her work on European welfare systems in times of mobility.
APAD International Conference
From 23-25 May 2018, the Association for the Anthropology of Social Change and Development organized a conference on 'Migrations, Development and Citizenship' in Roskilde, Denmark. Marie Godin participated in a panel on: 'Returning, circulating, staying put: Complex family strategies among African migrants'. Moreover, she also presented part of the Mobile Welfare project: 'Social protection and third-country nationals (Ghanaian migrants / Moroccan migrants in Europe'
Conference by National Bank of Poland and Polish Social Insurance Institution
On 12 March 2018, Paweł Kaczmarczyk and Piotr Lewandowski presented their work on 'Szara strefa na rynku pracy a ubezpieczenia społeczne – aspekty ekonomiczne' at a conference organized by the National Bank of Poland and the Polish Social Insurance Institution.
Annual Conference of Migration Researchers
On 15 September 2017, Katarzyna Andrejuk attended the Annual Conference of Migration Researchers in Lublin, Poland. She presented her work on 'Czy polska sfera welfare przyciąga imigrantów? Znaczenie państwa opiekuńczego dla Ukraińców mieszkających w RP'.
MICARD Conference
On 11 September 2017, the MICARD Conference was organized in Warsaw, Poland on the topic of 'Out-migration and Circular Migration: Impacts on Regions and Communities'. Anna Janicka and Paweł Kaczmarczyk presented their work on 'Migration Strategies of Poles on the EU Labor Market'.
24th International Conference of Europeanists
From 12-14 July 2017, the Council for European studies organized the 24th International Conference of Europeanists on Sustainability and Transformation at the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. On 13 July, Katarzyna Andrejuk presented her work on 'European immigrants as welfare recipients in Poland'.
Warsaw International Economic Meeting
From 4-6 July 2017, the Warsaw International Economic Meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland. On 5 July 2017, Igor Jakubiak presented his work on 'Does welfare drive international migration? An European experience.'
14th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 28 - 30 June 2017, the 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration, Diversity and the City' took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Part of the Mobile Welfare team (Andrejuk, K., Godin, M., Jolivet, D., Pereira, S. & Van Mol, C.) presented their joint work: Exploring interrelations between welfare provisions and migration: The case of Spanish EU-movers.
14th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 28 - 30 June 2017, the 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration, Diversity and the City' took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Part of the Mobile Welfare team (Andrejuk, K., Godin, M., Jolivet, D., Pereira, S. & Van Mol, C.) presented their joint work: 'Disentangling the links between welfare perceptions, experiences and migration decisions: the case of Spanish migrants across Europe (2017)' during this conference.
14th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 28 - 30 June 2017, the 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration, Diversity and the City' took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Petra de Jong (NIDI) presented her work on: 'Received Welfare and Migration: a Study on Differences between Migrant Life Stages across Europe’ during this conference.
Symposium Migration Routes and Transnational Networks and Institutions
From 8-10 November 2017, the IMISCOE standing committee on Interaction of Migrant Integration and Transnationalism (IMITE) & Research group Citizenship, Migration and the City (CIMIC) organized a Symposium and PHD course on Migration Routes and Transnational Networks and Institutions. Marie Godin presented her work on 'Mobile technologies, forced migration and social protection ' which was based on interviews with third countries nationals in the Mobile welfare dataset.
TRANSMIC Conference 2017
On 18-19 May 2017, the TRANSMIC Conference 'Migration, Rights and Citizenship: Coming Full Circle in a Challenging Environment' was organized at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Marie Godin presented her work on 'Applying the ‘capability approach’ to better understand migrants’ social protection arrangements within the EU'.
Dutch Demography Day 2017
On 22 November 2017 the tenth edition of the Dutch Demography Day was organized in Utrecht, The Netherlands. De Winter, Karpinska and de Valk presented their work on 'Settlement decisions of Polish migrants in the Netherlands. Do linked lives matter?'.
Dutch Demography Day 2017
On 22 November 2017 the tenth edition of the Dutch Demography Day was organized in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Petra de Jong and Helga de Valk presented their work on 'Welfare and Migration Decisions in Europe: Intra-EU Migration and the Life Course'.
Nederlandse Economendag / Dutch Economist Day 2017
On 3 November 2017 the Nederlandse Economendag (Dutch Economist Day) was organized in Amsterdam. Petra de Jong gave a presentation on: 'Zicht op EU-migranten: meer dan nummers’ (View on EU-migrants: more than numbers).
Conference World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change
From 30 October - 1 November 2017, the University of Manchester’s Migration Lab organized a conference on the theme 'The World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change'. Marie Godin presented her work on 'Mobile technologies, forced migration and social protection'.
Pan-European Conference on International Relations 2017
From 13-16 September 2017 the 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations took place in Barcelona, Spain. De Jong, Adsera and de Valk presented their work on: 'The role of welfare in locational choices: Modelling intra–European migration decisions across the lifecourse'.
ECSR conference on Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics
From 31 August - 2 September 2017 the ECSR conference on Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics was organized in Milano, Italy. De Jong, Adsera and de Valk presented their work on 'The role of welfare in locational choices: Modelling intra–European migration decisions across the lifecourse'.
IV Seminar Studies of Brazilian Immigration in Europe
From 25-27 November 2016, Dominique Jolivet (University of Oxford, IMI) and Sónia Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT/CEG) presented a paper on the topic of 'Analysis of social protection in Brazilian immigration to Spain and Portugal', at the IV Seminar Studies of Brazilian Immigration in Europe, that took place at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.
European Population Conference 2016
From 31 August - 3 September, the European Population Conference (EPC) 2016 took take place in Mainz, Germany. Petra de Jong, Christof Van Mol and Helga de Valk (all NIDI) have attended the conference to present a paper on: Migration, Welfare and the Life Course. Welfare Regimes and Migration Patterns of EU-citizens in the Netherlands (abstract).
18th Nordic Migration Conference
On 11 - 12 August 2016, the 18th Nordic Migration Conference took place in Oslo, Norway. Petra de Jong, Christof Van Mol and Helga de Valk (all NIDI) have attended the conference to present a paper on: Migration, Welfare and the Life Course. Welfare Regimes and Migration Patterns of EU-citizens in the Netherlands.
18th Nordic Migration Conference
On 11 - 12 August 2016, the 18th Nordic Migration Conference took place in Oslo, Norway. Katarzyna Andrejuk (University of Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research and Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences) has attended the conference to present a paper on: (Im)mobile Welfare? Intra-EU migrants hired by temporary employment agencies and their participation in Member States’ welfare systems.
18th Nordic Migration Conference
On 11 - 12 August 2016, the 18th Nordic Migration Conference took place in Oslo, Norway. Sónia Pereira (IGOT/CEG, Universidade de Lisboa), Christof Van Mol (NIDI), Dominique Jolivet (University of Oxford, IMI) and Marie Godin (University of Oxford, IMI) attended the conference to present a paper on: Exploring interrelations between welfare provisions and migration. The case of Spanish EU-movers.
13th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 30 June - 2 July, the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration and Development' took place in Prague, Czech Republic. Petra de Jong, Christof Van Mol and Helga de Valk (all NIDI) have attended the conference to present a paper on: Migration, Welfare and the Life Course. Welfare Regimes and Migration Patterns of EU-citizens in the Netherlands.
13th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 30 June - 2 July, the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration and Development' took place in Prague, Czech Republic. Pawel Kaczmarczyk (University of Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research, Poland) has attended the conference to present a paper on: Welfare arrangements and migration strategies in the crisis and post-crisis times: the case of recent Polish migrants.
Conference 'Expanding social sciences research: governanceand migration studies'
On 27 June 2016, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN) organized the Conference 'Expanding social sciences research: governanceand migration studies' in Warsaw, Poland. Anna Janicka (University of Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research, Poland) has attended the conference to present a paper on: Mobilities in the crisis and post-crisis times: migration strategies of Poles on the EU labour market.
XVI Congreso de Inmigración
From 10 - 12 March 2016, the XVI Congreso de Inmigración took take place in Almeria, Spain. Dominique Jolivet (University of Oxford, IMI) has attended the conference to present a paper on: Welfare Provisions here and there and their impact on aspirations towards mobility and immobility.
Conference ‘Migrant Integration and Transnational Mobility: Drivers and Obstacles’
On 21 - 22 October 2015, the Conference ‘Migrant Integration and Transnational Mobility: Drivers and Obstacles’ took take place in Florence, Italy. Pawel Kaczmarczyk (University of Warsaw - Centre of Migration Research, Poland) has attended the conference to present a paper on: Migration and wealth accumulation – strategies of recent Polish migrants in the EU.
Second national event organized by IGOT – Universidade de Lisboa
On 19 July 2018 the second national workshop was organized by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) in Lisbon on "European welfare systems in times of mobility". Maria Lucinda Fonseca, Alina Esteves, Jennifer McGarrigle and Bruno Machado presented the Mobile Welfare Poject findings.
15th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 2-4 July 2018, the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Europe Migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges' took place in Barcelona, Spain. Dominique Jolivet and Marie Godin delivered two workshops. First, 'Social protection through mobility? A dialogue across disciplines and emerging research issues '(Organizers: Erica Righard (Malmo University) and Paolo Boccagni (University of Trento). Second, 'Exploring intra EU mobilities at times of crisis' (Organizers: Manolis Pratsinakis (University of Oxford) and Russell King (University of Sussex)
Moreover, they participated in two panels. First, 'Categories in research and policy on migration and transnationalism' (Chairs: Marta Bivand Erdal (PRIO) and Cathrine Talleraas (PRIO). Discussant: Jørgen Carling (PRIO). Second, 'Migration to and from welfare states' (Chairs: Brigitte Suter (Malmo University) and Oleksandr Ryndyk (Center for Intercultural Communication, Stavanger)
NORFACE Welfare State Futures Final Conference
From 24-25 May 2018 the final conference on the research program Welfare State Futures (WSF) was organized in Florence, Italy. The findings from the fifteen transnational WSF research projects, as well as their policy implication were communicated to the wider public, as such concluding three years of transnational innovative research on the future of European welfare systems. Together with Lubbers, de Valk was a session coordinator during this conference.
Workshop presentation
On 15 March 2018, Igor Jakubiak provided a workshop presentation on the topic of 'Welfare and migration patterns in European Union' in Warsaw, Poland.
Oxford Symposium on Migration and the Future of Emerging Markets
On 13 January 2018, the Oxford Symposium on 'Migration and the Future of Emerging Markets' was held. Paweł Kaczmarczyk organized a workshop on the topic of 'Migration and Social Welfare'.
Thematic Workshop ‘Migration, Diversity, and Welfare: Knowledges, Gaps and Synergies’
From 5-6 December 2017, the Thematic Workshop ‘Migration, Diversity, and Welfare: Knowledges, Gaps and Synergies’ was held at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham. During this workshop, Marie Godin and Dominique Jolivet, researchers at the University of Oxford, presented their work on the Mobile Welfare project.
Thematic Workshop ‘Migration, Diversity, and Welfare: Knowledges, Gaps and Synergies’
From 4-5 December 2017, the Thematic Workshop ‘Migration, Diversity, and Welfare: Knowledges, Gaps and Synergies’ was held at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham. Helga de Valk presented her work on 'European Welfare Systems in Times of Mobility".
Thematic Workshop ‘Migration, Diversity, and Welfare: Knowledges, Gaps and Synergies’
From 4-5 December 2017, the Thematic Workshop ‘Migration, Diversity, and Welfare: Knowledges, Gaps and Synergies’ was held at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham. During this workshop, de Jong, Adsera and de Valk presented their work on 'The role of welfare in locational choices: Modelling intra–European migration decisions across the lifecourse'
NORFACE Thematic Workshop and Masterclass in The Hague
From 16 - 17 March 2017, a NORFACE Thematic Workshop and Masterclass on 'Welfare State futures' was organized at the NIDI in The Hague, The Netherlands. Several of the NORFACE-WELFARE STATE FUTURES projects addressed questions related to migration and the welfare state, its dynamics and future. The main aim of this Thematic workshop and masterclass was to discuss how welfare state arrangements and migration are analysed in its different dimensions and across the different projects.
National event organized by IGOT – Universidade de Lisboa
“The welfare state at times of mobility”, on the 19th January 2017. This workshop involved the participation of 32 representatives of associations, trade unions, local administration representatives and policy makers in the fields of social security, health and education, and researchers. The participants were divided in small groups to discuss questions related to health, education, social security, employment and rights’ portability in situations of emigration as well as immigration. Following the discussion in thematic groups, rapporteurs were selected in each group to share the principal results with the whole group. During the event the project Mobilewelfare was presented by the national coordinator, Lucinda Fonseca.
18th Nordic Migration Conference
On 11-12 August 2016, the 18th Nordic Migration Conference took place in Oslo. The theme of this year was 'Migration and social inequality: Global perspectives - new boundaries'. A workshop on the topic of 'Welfare inequalities and Migration' was organized by Christof Van Mol (NIDI) and Sónia Pereira (IGOT/CEG, Universidade de Lisboa). More information can be found here.
13th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 30 June - 2 July, the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration and Development' took place in Prague, Czech Republic. A panel was organized by Marie Godin (IMI, University of Oxford) and Christof Van Mol (NIDI) on the topic of 'A transnational approach towards welfare provision: Heading towards a better understanding of its role in shaping mobility patterns towards and across Europe'.
American Association of Geographers 2016 Annual Meeting
A panel session was organized at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) in San Francisco, California on March 29 - April 2, 2016 on the topic of 'Welfare inequalities and migration'. The session was organized by Christof Van Mol (NIDI) and Sónia Pereira (IGOT/CEG, Universidade de Lisboa). More information can be found here.
European Commission DG Research and Innovation
On 16 September 2015, a workshop on the topic of 'Migration' was organized by Helga de Valk (NIDI). The workshop was on the findings from MobileWelfare and ongoing international projects and took place at the European Commission DG Research and Innovation in Brussels, Belgium.
Other events
Policy briefing event
In the fall of 2018, the NIDI and MIFARE teams together organized a policy briefing event at the NIDI.
Training Workshop: Feminist Researchers Against Borders
From 21-22 July 2018 Marie Godin participated in the Feminist Researchers Against Borders Summer School Taster Workshop. which was organized in Athens, Greece. Moreover, Marie also presented the Mobile Welfare Project.
Training workshop on Social Protection
From 25-28 June 2018 Marie Godin participated in the professional development course "Social Protection: Policies, Programmes and Evidence organized by the Institute of Developmental Studies at Sussex University. During this course, Marie also presented the Mobile Welfare Project.
Training workshops at the Institute of Development Studies
In January 2018 Dominique Jolivet attended the training workshops "Using Participatory Action Research to improve development practice" and "Engaging evidence and policy for social change". These workshops were organized at the Sussex University by the Institute of Development Studies. Moreover, Dominique also gave a presentation on the Mobile Welfare Project.
Techfugees Gobal Summit Paris
On 25-26 October 2017 the Techfugees Gobal Summit was organized in Paris on "Mobile Technologies and Social Protection and Forced Migration". Dominique Jolivet attended the Summit and provided a small presentation of the mobile welfare project on digital social remittances.
Training Workshop on the Life-Course Approach
In September 2016 Dominique Jolivet attended a training workshop on the life-course approach. This training was held in Belfast, Northern-Ireland.
The King of the Netherlands visits NIDI
On the 5th of April 2017, Petra de Jong and Helga de Valk (both NIDI) presented findings of the Mobile Welfare project to the King of the Netherlands during his visit to the NIDI. The press release on this visit can be found here.
ECPR Winter School, course Discrete Choice Modelling
From 6-10 March 2017 Petra de Jong (NIDI) participated in the ECPR Winter School in Bamberg, Germany. During this Winter School she participated in the course of Discrete Choice Modelling.
Summer School Migration Matters
Helga de Valk (NIDI) was invited to give a presentation on the topic of 'Migration and integration issues in Europe: background and patterns', at the Summer School Migration Matters in Groningen, the Netherlands, 5 July 2016.
Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
Helga de Valk (NIDI) was invited to give a presentation on the topic of 'NIDI migratie onderzoek: lives in context', at the Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie (Ministry of Security and Justice) in the Hague, the Netherlands, 21 June 2016.
Summer School Population and Society
Helga de Valk (NIDI) was invited to give a presentation on the topic of 'Migration and integration in Europe', at the summer school Population and Society, Groningen, the Netherlands, 17 June 2016.
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT)
On 26 May 2016, Bruno Machado (Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT/CEG) gave a presentaion on the topic of 'Estado Providência e Migrações: Uma análise teórica', during the 8th Doctoral Workshop at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) in Lisboa, Portugal.
Luxembourg Income Study
From 24-29 April 2016, Petra de Jong (NID) paid a research visit to the data center of the Luxembourg Income Study, Luxembourg.
Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality
On 27 April 2016, Petra de Jong (NIDI) presented the research project at the Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI) in Luxembourg.
International Metropolis Project
During the ISC Meeting for policy makers (4-5 April 2016) at the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Berlin, Germany. Maria Lucinda Fonseca (Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT/CEG) participated in the International Metropolis Project.
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT)
On 4 February 2016, Bruno Machado (Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT/CEG) gave a presentaion on the topic of 'Emobilidade Intra-Europeia e o Estado Providência: o papel da protecção social nas aspirações e carreiras dos migrantes portugueses', during the 7th Doctoral Workshop at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) in Lisboa, Portugal.
Seminar organized at the Universidade Federal de Roraima
On February 3 2016 the Seminar 'As fronteiras do Norte do Brasil e o acesso aos direitos sociais' was organized by Sónia Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT/CEG) and J. Jarochinski Silva (Universidade Federal de Roraima), at the Universidade Federal de Roraima, Brasil.
IMI Michaelmas term seminar series 'Migration and social protection'
IMI’s Michaelmas term seminar series (14 October - 2 December 2015) took as its theme ‘Migration and social protection’, and was convened by Yasser Moullan, Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Dominique Jolivet (IMI, Oxford University).
Information conference ‘De staat van de verzorgingsstaat'
From 19-20 October 2015, Petra de Jong attended the Information conference ‘De staat van de verzorgingsstaat' in Leuven, Belgium.
Lectures and presentations
Workshop: Transnational Lives: Economies, Bureaucracies, and Desires
From 11-12 January 2018, Marie Godin and Justyna Bell participated in the workshop: Transnational Lives: Economies, Bureaucracies, and Desires held in Oslo, Norway. They presented their study on 'Transnational welfare strategies: the case of Polish and British migrants in Europe'.
FLOW - Aalborg University
On 27 August 2018 Helga de Valk was the Keynote speaker at the opening event of FLOW of Aalborg University in Copenhagen and presented her work on European welfare systems in times of mobility.
School of Economics and Business
Lecture on the topic of 'Mobilidad intraeuropea del S. XXI: las percepciones del migrante sobre el acceso al estado de bienestar', by Jared Larson (Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT/CEG), 8 June 2016, Santiago, Chile.
University of Konstanz
On 8 December 2015 Helga de Valk (NIDI) gave a lecture on the topic of 'Families of migrant origins in comparative perspective', at the University of Konstanz, Germany.
IES Policy Forum
On 2 December 2015 Helga de Valk (NIDI) gave a lecture on the topic of 'European mobility: patterns, characteristics and impact', at the IES Policy Forum, Brussels, Belgium.
ITIP workshop
Invited lecture at University of Bologna on the topic of 'Families of migrant origin: Same questions, different answers?' September 2015, Bologna, Italy, NIDI team (de Valk).
BSPS Annual Conference
Invited plenary lecture at BSPS Annual Conference on topic of 'European migrants: new demographic questions and challenges?', 7-9 September 2015, Leeds, United Kingdom, NIDI team (de Valk).
Social Media
Project Tweet NIDI
2 September 2016 - Project tweet about the paper presentation of Petra de Jong (NIDI) at the European Population Conference 2016:
Facebook post IMI
29 June 2016 - Facebook post about the workshop organized by Marie Godin at the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference: (search for: Marie Godin).
Project Tweet IMI
29 June 2016 - Project tweet about the workshop organized by Marie Godin at the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference:
Project Tweet NIDI
4 June 2015 - Project tweet about the NIDI-RUG Policy briefing ‘Grenzeloos migreren? Binnen-Europese mobiliteit, kansen + uitdagingen’: