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Project leaders

Prof. dr. Helga de Valk

Main applicant


Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), the Netherlands


Helga A.G. de Valk is theme group leader Migration and Migrants at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI, the Hague) and professor at Interface Demography Free University Brussels (VUB, Belgium). Her research focuses on migration and integration, the transition to adulthood of immigrant youth, educational inequality, union and family formation, the second generation, intergenerational relationships in immigrant families, and European mobility. Among her recent ongoing projects are the ERC starting grant project “Families of migrant origin: a life course perspective” (Familife) and the Norface funded “European welfare states in times of mobility” (MobileWelfare) project. She has published articles in a wide range of leading journals and books in the field of demography, migration and family sociology. She is the acting editor in chief of the European Journal of Population (EJP).

Dr. Oliver Bakewell



University of Oxford - International Migration Institute (IMI), United Kingdom


Oliver Bakewell is the Director of the International Migration Institute (IMI) and Associate Professor in the Department of International Development at the University of Oxford. His work focuses on the intersections between migration and mobility and broader processes of development and change, with a particular empirical focus on migration within Africa. He currently undertaking research on migration, integration and diaspora in sub-Saharan Africa, including projects on the formation of African diasporas within the Africa, family strategies of migrants in Burkina Faso, and migration and social protection. He was the principal investigator for the Theorizing the Evolution of European Migration Systems (THEMIS) project funded by NORFACE. Prior to joining IMI, he spent many years working with migrants and refugees both as a researcher and as a practitioner with a range of development and humanitarian NGOs. He holds a PhD and MSc in Development Studies from the University of Bath and a BA in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge.

Dr. Pawel Kaczmarczyk



University of Warsaw - Centre of Migration Research, Poland


Paweł Kaczmarczyk is a deputy director of the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Warsaw. He is a SOPEMI correspondent at the OECD, IZA Fellow and TFMI Fellow. His main research areas include causes and consequences of labour migration, highly skilled mobility, methodology of migration research, labour economics, population economics and demography, international economics and migration policy.

Prof. dr. Maria Lucinda Fonseca



Universidade de Lisboa -  Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), Centre for Geographical Studies (CEG), Portugal


Maria Lucinda Fonseca holds a PhD in Human Geography from the Universidade de Lisboa (1989). She is currently Full Professor of Human Geography and Migration Studies at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), University of Lisbon, Director of the PhD Program in Migration Studies and Coordinator of the Research Unit MIGRARE - Migration, Spaces and Societies at the Centre for Geographical Studies (CEG). She has worked extensively in the areas of migration studies and social and urban geography.Within MobileWelfare Lucinda Fonseca is the leader of the CEG/IGOT research team and co-leader of Workpackage 3.

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