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Scoping studies

Scoping study 'Education in the Netherlands' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Childcare in the Netherlands' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Healthcare in the Netherlands' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Unemployment in the Netherlands' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Retirement in the Netherlands' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Education in the United Kingdom (England)' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Childcare in the United Kingdom (England)' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Healthcare in the United Kingdom (England)' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Unemployment in the United Kingdom (England)' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Retirement in the United Kingdom (England)' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Education in Portugal' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Childcare in Portugal' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Healthcare in Portugal' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Unemployment in Portugal' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Retirement in Portugal' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Education in Poland' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Family policy in Poland' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Healthcare in Poland' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Unemployment in Poland' (PDF)

Scoping study 'Retirement in Poland' (PDF)

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Book chapters

Valk, H.A.G. de, Koelet, S. & Erf, R. van der (2015).

Intra-Europese migratie: een demografische achtergrond bij migratiepatronen en inter-Europese partnerschappen in vergelijkend perspectief. In: Timmerman, C., Mahieu, R., Levrau, F. & Vanheule, D. (Eds.), Intra-Europese migratie en mobiliteit; andere tijden, nieuwe wegen?, Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven, p. 31-51.


Godin, M. & Dona, G. (2018).
Mobile technologies and Forced Migration. In: Bloch, A. & Dona, G. (Eds). Forced migration: Current Issues and Debates. London: Routledge.

Jakubiak, I. & Kaczmarczyk, P. (2018).
Migration and the Welfare State. In: Weinar A., Bonjour, S.,  & Zhyznomirska, L. (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe. London: Routledge, p. 374-382.

Janicka A. & Kaczmarczyk, P. (2018).

Mobilities in the crisis and post-crisis times: migration strategies of Poles on the EU labour market. In: Roos, C. & Zaun, N. (Eds). The Global Economic Crisis and Migration. London: Routledge.

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Working papers

Jong, P.W. de, Van Mol, C. & Valk, H.A.G. de (2016).

Intra-European Migration Patterns & European Migrant Characteristics: a Statistical Portrait of the Dutch Context between 2003 and 2013. NIDI Working Paper no. 2016/05. The Hague: NIDI.

NIDI working papers can be downloaded from the NIDI website:

Jong, P. de, Valk, H.A.G. de & C. Van Mol (2016).

Welfare, migration and the life course: Welfare regimes and migration patterns of EU-citizens in the Netherlands. NIDI Working Paper no. 2016/02. The Hague: NIDI. 

NIDI working papers can be downloaded from the NIDI website:

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Scoping studies

Janicka, Anna, & Kaczmarczyk, Pawel. (2016). Mobilities in the crisis and post-crisis times: migration strategies of Poles on the EU labour market. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (10).  DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1162350

Free copies available via

Andrejuk, Katarzyna. (2017). Znaczenie polskiej sfery welfare dla imigrantów. Opinie i praktyki ludności napływowej z wybranych krajów Europejskich. Studia BAS, 2 (50).

Jakubiak, Igor. (2017). Migration and Welfare Systems – State of the Art and Research Challenges. Central European Economic Journal, 1 (48). DOI: 10.1515/ceej-2017-0004

Pereira, Sónia. (2017). Efeitos da Crise Económica na situação laboral dos imigrantes: o caso dos brasileiros em Portugal / The effects of the economic crisis on the labour market situation of immigrants: the case of Brazilians in Portugal. REMHU, Rev. Interdiscip. Mobil. Hum, 25 (49).
Free copies available via

Andrejuk, Katarzyna. (2018). Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w RP. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 2 (168). DOI: 10.4467/25444972SMPP.18.021.9147

de Jong, P. W., & de Valk, H. A. (2019). Intra-European migration decisions and welfare systems: the missing life course link. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1611421

Jakubiak, I. J. (2019). Does welfare drive international migration?–a European experience. International Journal of Manpower, 40 (2), 246-264. (LINK)

Jolivet, D. (2019). Post‐2008 Multi‐Sited Household Practices: Between Morocco, Spain and Norway. International Migration. (LINK)

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Publications for a non-academic audience

Caarls, K. & de Jong, P. W. (2017). Migratie schadelijk voor de verzorgingsstaat? Zo simpel is het niet. 26 Sep 2017 In: (Link)

de Jong, P. W. (2017). Uit het veld (column): Sociale zekerheid heeft geen magneetwerking op intra-EU migratie. In: Economisch Statistische Berichten, 102 (4755), p. 557.

de Jong, P. W. & de Valk, H. A. G. (2018). Are migration decisions in Europe influenced by social welfare? Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving. 34 (5), p. 6-7.

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de Jong, P. W. (2019). Between Welfare and Farewell: The role of welfare systems in intra-European migration decisions. PhD Thesis. University of Groningen. (URL)

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