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Final project meeting in Barcelona

July 3, 2018

Following the IMISCOE Annual Conference,  the closing meeting with representatives of each team was held on 3 July 2018 in Barcelona, Spain.

Attendance of the 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference

June 28-30, 2017

From 28 - 30 June 2017, the 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration, Diversity and the City' took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Petra de Jong (NIDI) presented her work on: 'Received Welfare and Migration: a Study on Differences between Migrant Life Stages across Europe’. Also, part of the Mobile Welfare team (Andrejuk, K., Godin, M., Jolivet, D., Pereira, S. & Van Mol, C.) presented their joint work: 'Disentangling the links between welfare perceptions, experiences and migration decisions: the case of Spanish migrants across Europe (2017)' during this conference.

Presenting Mobile Welfare findings to the King of the Netherlands

5 April, 2017

On the 5th of April 2017, Petra de Jong and Helga de Valk (both NIDI) presented findings of the Mobile Welfare project to the King of the Netherlands. The NIDI is an institute of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW). As guardian of the KNAW the King visits a  KNAW institute every year. His visit was taken by the NIDI to draw an image of the institute, but also the importance of population issues for society and emphasizing the role of research in this field. In line with this, findings from the Mobile Welfare project were presented. The press release on this visit can be found here.

Fifth project meeting in The Hague

March 17, 2017

On 17 March 2017, the fifth project meeting was organized at the NIDI, the Hague, The Netherlands. The informal meeting was held with representatives of each team that were present at the WSF thematic workshop.

NORFACE Thematic Workshop and Masterclass in The Hague

March 16-17, 2017

From 16 - 17 March 2017, a NORFACE Thematic Workshop and Masterclass on 'Welfare State futures' was organized at the NIDI in The Hague, The Netherlands. Several of the NORFACE-WELFARE STATE FUTURES projects addressed questions related to migration and the welfare state, its dynamics and future. The main aim of this Thematic workshop and masterclass was to discuss how welfare state arrangements and migration are analysed in its different dimensions and across the different projects. 

Video: Migration and the Dutch welfare state

February 8, 2017

The Hague - For the weekly online video magazine Unifocus from the University of Groningen, Prof.Helga de Valk was interviewed for a short video on migration and the Dutch welfare state. During the video the question ' Why do migrants choose the Netherlands?' is being discussed. The video can be found here.

Fourth project meeting in Lisbon

February 2-3, 2017

On 2 and 3 February 2017, the fourth project meeting was organized at the IGOT Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning in Lisbon, Portugal. A fruitful discussion was held about the fieldwork which almost been completed and the upcoming process of analysis. Moreover, PhD candidates Petra de Jong and Bruno Machado presented their research.

Third project meeting in Prague

July 3, 2016

Following the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference, the third project meeting was held on July 2-3 in Prague. The meeting resulted in a fruitful discussion on the fieldwork of the project that is taking place over the summer. 

Attendance of the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference

July 2, 2016

From 30 June - 2 July, the 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Migration and Development' took place in Prague, Czech Republic. A panel was organized by Marie Godin (IMI, University of Oxford) and Christof Van Mol (NIDI) on the topic of 'A transnational approach towards welfare provision: Heading towards a better understanding of its role in shaping mobility patterns towards and across Europe'. Many other researchers also presented work related to the Mobile Welfare Project at the conference. 

Attendance of the 2016 AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco

April 2, 2016

From 29 March - 2 April 2016, a delegation of the research team attended the annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) in San Francisco. A panel session was organized on the topic of 'Welfare inequalities and migration' by Christof Van Mol (NIDI) and Sónia Pereira (IGOT/CEG, Universidade de Lisboa). More information on the session can be found here.

Second project meeting in Madrid, Spain

September 22, 2015

On 21 and 22 September 2015, the second project meeting was organized at the CSIC Spanish National Research Council in Madrid, Spain. A fruitful discussion was held about the literature reviews that were carried out and about the groups and cases that will be studied during the upcoming fieldwork. Moreover, each of the PhD candidates presented their research.


Press statement University of Warsaw

April 13, 2015

The University of Warsaw (Poland) has released a press statement about the Mobile Welfare project. You can read the article (in Polish) here: Co napÄ™dza migracje Europejczyków?

Kick-off meeting in the Hague

March 20, 2015

The Mobile Welfare project now officially started with a kick-off meeting of all project partners in the Hague, the Netherlands.

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